Tested games

Pineapple: A Bittersweeet Revenge

Release Date: September 26, 2024

Porting Team:

Original Developer: Patrones y Escondites

Platform Tags: Android | iOS | MacOS | Steam

Visual Tags: 2D | Hand-drawn

Pineapple is a puzzle and story-revenge-driven game where you become the hero of the school by pulling pranks on the top bully. Time to give that witch a taste of their own medicine. With a pineapple.

  • Investigate the witch and discover her secrets.
  • Use this information to pull pranks on her placing… pineapples everywhere!
  • But it won’t be a piece of cake, you’ll have to overcome some challenging puzzles if you want to be the hero of the school.

We did the QA Testing for Pineapple for the Steam, Mac, iOS, and Android versions working with the developer Patrones y Escondites.

We had to check the Compatibility and Functionality of these versions.

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